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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

E. E. Cummings: Complete Poems, 1904-1962


I received E.E. Cummins complete poems in the mail yesterday evening. The kids were so cute—they love hiding my books and then playing ‘hot and cold’ to make me find them. It was funny because I kept asking ‘hot or cold’ and Bridget kept saying cold. I couldn’t figure it out until I realized the book was hidden in the freezer!


Dylan is funny too in regard to this game. He always hides it but can’t resist telling me. “I hid your book Dad, it’s under the couch.”


I was in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington recently, and took this picture of Cummings with my phone (they actually allow taking pictures with phones these days, but no flash).


I’m finishing the Modernism intro by Pericles Lewis today or tomorrow, and then finding a way to dive into modernist poetry. The Lewis book focuses on one work of poetry (Elliot’s the Wasteland), one work of long fiction (Joyce’s Ulysses), and one drama (Pirandello’s Six characters in Search of an Author). These texts are all on my list, and I love The Wasteland, so maybe that’s the place to begin, with Thomas Stearns???


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