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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Backyard like Mississippi


Finished reading Absalom, Absalom this afternoon (actually listened to the last part of it on tape; actually on CD; actually on my I-pod) while cooking meals for the week (pork chops with mango and cilantro, and tuna salad for sandwiches)... after a nap and while typing up notes on Long Day's Journey into Night, and Juno and the Paycock, I heard a clatter out on the lawn... springing from my computer. No, springing is not exactly it-- it was vexatious, no not really vexatious, but a desire nonetheless, a desire, that's how it might be said in a Faulkner novel, or perhaps it would be an ardor, or a hunger or a thirst, or some other such thing as might be said of a will brought about by a thought, or maybe it is the other way around, and I can only say that I heard some imperviously vexing, lugubrious resonance and moved from my place at the computer, and there, high in the old apple tree, with its eyes on me like I was a demon straight out of Sutpen's hundred-- there, up in the billowing, bending, pliancy of those branches was a Raccoon-- a salacious, determined, nocturnal, little creature, and it was ingratiating itself of my apples and it's kin-- another black-faced, ring tailed mammalian, acrobat-- was just scuttling about up the tree, over the wall and onto the shed. 
That was my attempt at a Faulknerian sentence, and the pictures are here as well.

It did seem very Mississippi to have the "coons outch younder thayre". Weird! Raccoons in Nob Hill-- well I declare Miss Colfield, it's strange aint it....

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